The State of Conservation

Joshua Nygren

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781469680491
  • Publication Date: Jan 2025
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Under Alien Skies

Vaughn Scribner

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781469680767
  • Publication Date: Dec 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Engines of Mischief

Louise Blakeney Williams

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781469683546
  • Publication Date: Oct 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Global Impacts of Micro- and Nano-Plastic Pollution

Nisha Gaur

The presence of micro- and nano-plastic pollution has emerged as a critical threat to environmental sustainability. As plastic materials degrade into smaller particles, less than 5 millimeters in size, they infiltrate terrestrial ecosystems, posing a danger to both the environment and human health. Despite the ongoing efforts of scientists worldwide, the scientific community still faces significant challenges in fully grasping the complexity and degradation of these microplastics and nanoplastics, let alone finding effective solutions to curb their further spread. As the urgency to address this issue grows, there is a pressing need for a comprehensive resource that delves into the intricacies of micro- and nano-plastic pollution and offers actionable insights for mitigation. Global Impacts of Micro- and Nano-Plastic Pollution meticulously tackles the multifaceted challenges posed by plastic pollution in our global ecosystems. Authored by esteemed experts in the field, this book offers a holistic analysis of micro-plastics and nano-plastics, providing readers with invaluable insights into their characterization, sources, and fate in the environment. Through comprehensive case studies and cutting-edge research, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the adverse effects of broken-down plastics pollution on soil health, plant biology, and overall ecological balance.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9798369351383
  • Publication Date: Oct 2024
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Enhancing Data-Driven Electronics Through IoT

Bhagwan Das

In today's ever-evolving world of electronics engineering and design, professionals face the pressing challenge of effectively integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) technology into electronic devices to enhance their performance and functionality. As the demand for smarter, more connected devices continues to grow, there exists a critical need for comprehensive resources that bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical applications of IoT in electronics. Without such guidance, professionals risk falling behind in understanding and harnessing the transformative power of IoT technology. Enhancing Data-Driven Electronics Through IoT emerges as the definitive solution to this pervasive problem. This groundbreaking book offers scholars a roadmap to navigate the complexities of IoT integration in electronic devices, empowering them to unlock new opportunities for innovation and advancement. Through a meticulous exploration of IoT protocols, communication technologies, and data analytics techniques, this book equips scholars with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the rapidly evolving field of electronics engineering.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369354483
  • Publication Date: Oct 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

The Angry Genie

Karl Z. Morgan

A deeply humane and religious scientist, Morgan regards his own role, in meeting the challenges presented by the "angry genie" of nuclear energy, with the same unblinking eye he focuses on government, the military, and the nuclear industry. He tells harrowing tales of radiation accidents and near-disasters, and shows the actual and potential consequences of the clumsiness, recklessness, and carelessness of fallible human beings.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780806194882
  • Publication Date: Oct 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Exploring Pillars of Sustainability for Modern Age Improvements

Farhan Ujager

Sustainability initiatives continue to impact every facet of our lives from economics to the environment. This book works to provide insight and innovation, delving into the vital intersections of technology, finance, policy, and more to chart a course towards a sustainable future. Through a comprehensive exploration of diverse domains, this book tackles the urgent need to refine current practices and embrace sustainable solutions compared to business as usual. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, this book serves as a catalyst for change, offering professionals, researchers, and students a roadmap for sustainable development. From artificial intelligence (AI) innovations for environmental solutions to ethical consumption and circular economy strategies, each chapter provides invaluable insights tailored to specific fields. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, Exploring Pillars of Sustainability for Modern Age Improvements empowers scholars to drive meaningful progress in their respective industries and become informed advocates for sustainability.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9798369357491
  • Publication Date: Oct 2024
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Balancing Water-Energy-Food Security in the Era of Environmental Change

Lyudmyla Kuzmych

The global food security landscape is increasingly precarious, with the intricate interplay between water, energy, and food resources becoming more pronounced amid rising scarcity and environmental challenges. As demands for these essential resources escalate, the need for a comprehensive understanding of their interconnectedness has never been more urgent. Trade-offs between these sectors are emerging, highlighting the critical need for cross-sectoral efficiencies and strategic investment frameworks. Balancing Water-Energy-Food Security in the Era of Environmental Change offers a comprehensive solution to this complex challenge. The book equips professionals and researchers with the tools needed to navigate the water-energy-food nexus by providing cutting-edge theoretical frameworks and empirical research findings. It offers strategic insights for agricultural enterprises, enabling them to forecast, plan, and control costs effectively, ultimately enhancing their disaster risk management and societal resilience strategies.

  • Imprint: Engineering Science Reference
  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369356937
  • Publication Date: Sep 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Tools, Techniques, and Advancements in Engineering Materials Science

Ajay Kumar

In the face of mounting environmental challenges, there is an urgent need for materials that support sustainable development while minimizing ecological impact. Today, scholars face a formidable challenge: how to reconcile the relentless demand for innovative solutions with materials engineering with consideration for the imperative of sustainability. Tools, Techniques, and Advancements in Engineering Materials Science addresses the critical issue of depleting non-renewable resources and the disruption of natural equilibrium due to industrial and consumer demands. It highlights the necessity for pollution-free environments, reduction of hazardous industrial waste, a shift towards green production, and a decrease in the use of fossil fuels to reduce atmospheric carbon levels. To meet these demands, the book explores the use of engineering materials such as polymers, metals, ceramics, composites, and biomaterials. These materials are heralded for their renewability, biodegradability, cost-effectiveness, chemical and mechanical resistance, and biocompatibility, making them suitable for various applications in medical, pharmaceutical, electronics, and other engineering fields. It details the development and design of environmentally responsible materials by scientists and engineers and provides a comprehensive overview of a wide array of engineering materials, including smart materials, functionally graded materials, carbon materials, nanomaterials, and energy storage materials. Furthermore, the book delves into the more intricate aspects of these materials, covering topics such as material characterization techniques, the role of artificial intelligence, Industry 4.0, nature-inspired algorithms, and various computational and simulation approaches. These crucial areas of study will help experts to maintain the sustainability of engineering materials and optimize their applications across various sectors, creating a positive outlook for a more sustainable and solution-based future.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9798369355145
  • Publication Date: Sep 2024
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Contemporary Solutions for Sustainable Transportation Practices

Shakerod Munuhwa

Transportation systems worldwide face two significant challenges: environmental degradation and urban congestion. The dominance of fossil fuel-driven vehicles is leading to significant air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. As metropolitan areas expand rapidly, traffic congestion, longer commute times, and infrastructure stress are rising. Contemporary Solutions for Sustainable Transportation Practices provides a comprehensive roadmap for addressing these challenges. The book advocates for a shift to eco-conscious mobility solutions, such as electric vehicles and intelligent transportation systems, to create a greener and more efficient transportation future. The book offers a multifaceted approach, synthesizing existing research and knowledge on sustainable transportation. It is a go-to reference for academics, researchers, and practitioners, providing expert insights, case studies, and real-world examples. By showcasing contemporary innovations and solutions, it aims to inspire stakeholders and foster a culture of continuous improvement in the transportation sector. The book also provides practical, actionable guidance for implementing sustainable transportation solutions and equipping policymakers, urban planners, and industry leaders with the tools and knowledge to integrate eco-friendly practices into their operations and decision-making processes.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369337554
  • Publication Date: Sep 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Municipal Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technologies

Ritika Mehra

The issue of overflowing landfills and environmental degradation caused by municipal solid waste is becoming increasingly pressing. Despite the importance of recycling, challenges such as contamination and the need for market demand for recycled materials persist. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive understanding of waste composition, innovative technologies, and effective policies. Municipal Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technologies serves as a solution, offering a deep dive into the complexities of municipal solid waste recycling and providing insights that can drive sustainable waste management practices. By delving into topics such as the role of education and awareness campaigns, technological advancements in waste sorting, and the economic aspects of recycling, this book equips readers with the knowledge needed to make a meaningful impact. It explores innovative recycling technologies, social and environmental implications, successful case studies, and strategies for reducing contamination in recycling processes. The book also highlights the importance of collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders to implement effective waste management systems.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369340547
  • Publication Date: Aug 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Convergence of Antenna Technologies, Electronics, and AI

Zakia Hammouch

In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the integration of antenna technologies, electronics, and artificial intelligence (AI) poses a significant challenge: the complexity of these converging domains often surpasses the capacity of traditional educational resources and has been an area of research that is largely understudied. This creates a challenge for researchers attempting to gain a full understanding of the issue, as the lack of cohesive literature that bridges the gaps between these disciplines is significant. Researchers, engineers, and enthusiasts are hampered in their efforts to grasp the full potential of this convergence. Convergence of Antenna Technologies, Electronics, and AI offers a unique perspective to this problem by synthesizing the fundamental principles, cutting-edge advancements, and practical applications of these interconnected domains. This book serves as a comprehensive guide for navigating the complexities of this multidisciplinary frontier. It provides a cohesive framework that not only elucidates the interconnections between antennas, electronics, and AI but also empowers readers to leverage this knowledge in developing transformative innovations.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369337752
  • Publication Date: Aug 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Wild North Carolina

David Blevins

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781469683355
  • Publication Date: Aug 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

The Changing Wealth of Nations 2024

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781464820670
  • Publication Date: Jul 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Machine Learning for Environmental Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks

Parikshit N. Mahalle

Today, data fuels everything we do in a highly connected world. However, traditional environmental monitoring methods often fail to provide timely and accurate data for effective decision-making in today's rapidly changing ecosystems. The reliance on manual data collection and outdated technologies results in gaps in data coverage, making it challenging to detect and respond to environmental changes in real time. Additionally, integration between monitoring systems and advanced data analysis tools is necessary to derive actionable insights from collected data. As a result, environmental managers and policymakers face significant challenges in effectively monitoring, managing, and conserving natural resources in a rapidly evolving environment. Machine Learning for Environmental Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks offers a comprehensive solution to the limitations of traditional environmental monitoring methods. By harnessing the power of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and advanced machine learning algorithms, this book presents a novel approach to ecological monitoring that enables real-time, high-resolution data collection and analysis. By integrating WSNs and machine learning, environmental stakeholders can gain deeper insights into complex ecological processes, allowing for more informed decision-making and proactive management of natural resources.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369339404
  • Publication Date: Jul 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Standards for Automation of Water Resource Recovery Facilities Volume 2

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781572784352
  • Publication Date: Jul 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Standards for Operation of Nutrient Removal Facilities, WEF 37-24

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781572784666
  • Publication Date: Jul 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Blockchain-Based Solutions for Accessibility in Smart Cities

Kumar Abhishek

In the evolving landscape of smart cities, the integration of technology and real-time data management presents a dual-edged challenge and opportunity for urban accessibility. The web of devices, from smartphones and connected cars to homes and citizens, forms the backbone of a smart city's infrastructure. As cities strive to become technologically enhanced hubs, the need for seamless accessibility becomes paramount. However, this ambitious transformation encounters hurdles such as traffic congestion, inefficient energy distribution, and concerns about air quality. Enter Blockchain-Based Solutions for Accessibility in Smart Cities , a groundbreaking exploration that addresses the issues hindering the optimal realization of smart city accessibility. This book delves into the emergence of blockchain technologies within smart city infrastructures and offers a compelling narrative on how blockchain-based solutions can be the catalyst for overcoming these challenges. This innovative book is crafted with a specific audience in mind – researchers, faculty, and students committed to shaping a secure ecosystem for smart city infrastructure. By merging concepts of security, smart city infrastructure, and blockchain, this multidisciplinary approach ensures that readers gain a nuanced understanding of the challenges at hand. Whether immersed in academia or eager to contribute to the evolution of smart cities, Blockchain-Based Solutions for Accessibility in Smart Cities is a valuable resource that empowers readers to navigate the complexities and unlock the full potential of blockchain in urban accessibility.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369334027
  • Publication Date: Jul 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Underground Leviathan

Israel G. Solares

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781647791360
  • Publication Date: Jun 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

The Path to 5G in the Developing World

Je Myung Ryu

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781464816048
  • Publication Date: Jun 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now